Acute Kidney Injury
AKI alerts in Primary care
In early December 2017 UHNM Pathology went live with the communication of AKI warning alerts on samples received from Primary care. The original national patient safety alert (March 2015) restricted the use of AKI alert to secondary care only, however they are now recommendations regarding its use in Primary care published. The Renal and Biochemistry departments at UHNM, have worked together to validate this process for the Primary care population.
It is estimated that about 65% of AKI starts in the community so it is essential that the calculation of the AKI warning stage based on Current and previous creatinine result is communicate to GP’s.
All alerts are sent out with a clinical comment offering advice on retesting schedule and highlighting the “Think Kidney” resource.
If you have any queries regarding AKI warning alerts please contact the Duty Biochemist.