Change to testosterone reference ranges

A new adult reference range for testosterone will be implemented on 9th December 2021.

The Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory is changing its reference range for measurement of adult testosterone for both female and male patients, as the current assay has been reformulated. The paediatric reference range will remain the same.

The reformulation has restandardised the assay to more closely align it with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Hormone Standardization (HoSt) Testosterone Reference Measurement Procedure.

Please see the below table for the current and new reference ranges:


Current reference range


New reference range


<50 Male

7 – 29

6.85 – 23.23

≥50 Male

7 – 29

6.51 – 23.74

<50 Female

0 – 2.6

0.29 – 1.21

≥50 Female

0 – 2.6

0.00 – 1.25

Please contact the Duty Biochemist on 01782 674265 or if you have any queries.